Steven --

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Steven Ericsson Zenith <>
> Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 2:56 PM
> Subject: [Fis] On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton
> To: Foundations of Information Science Information Science <
> Dear List,
> I bring Erik Verlinde's recent paper to your attention because it
> highlights some foundational issues in Information Science and the general
> use of the notion of "Information" in physics.
> Here is the paper:
> On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton
> The paper has attracted a lot of attention and Lee Smolin's response, also
> on arvix, is really what made me begin to look at this question seriously.
> Though various people have been bringing the paper to my attention since it
> was first published in January.
> Verlinde appeals to a notion of an "entropic force" associated with a
> conception of information and frankly I'm puzzled by it. What, exactly, does
> he refer to I wonder and how does it relate to Shannon, if at all?

      One perspective on this might be found in:
Frautschi, S. (1982) “Entropy in an expanding universe”.  Science 217,
Frautschi, S. (1988) “Entropy in an expanding universe.” in B.H. Weber, D.J.
Depew  and J.D. Smith, eds.  Entropy, Information and Evolution.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Landsberg, P.T. (1984)  Can entropy and “order” increase together?  Physics
 Letters 102A, 171-173.
Layzer, D. 1977. Information in cosmology, physics and biology. International
Journal of Quantum Chemistry 12 (supplement 1) 185-195.

     Basically, in an expanding or growing system much entropy production is
mediated by information AND creates more information while doing it.


> My initial view is to suspect that the paper is a work of pure metaphysics
> and not physics at all. But then I ask myself to what degree it is less
> metaphysical than anything else we see in physics today. So I reserve
> judgement until I have given the matter more consideration.
> Anyone else concerned by this?
> With respect,
> Steven
> --
>        Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith
>        Institute for Advanced Science & Engineering
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