Dear FISers,

Looking for an informational explanation of soccer, or other sports, as was asking Joseph, one can look at the internal side of the event. Then, as Jorge and Bob have done, one can discuss about the panorama of networking relationships or the "ascendancy" of the different elements. While agreeing with the interest of these approaches, one can also look towards the outside and ask about the social importance attributed to such type of spectacles. It is interesting that today a lot of economic activities, like sports, may be ascribed to ephemeral "information production" --think of entertainment, news, fashions, e-networks, communications, tourism, etc. Maybe this is the fastest growing segment, even in spite of the global crisis. Why the increasing predominance of "panem et circenses"? An speculative point may be that complex societies are caught into a information paradox. The higher they grow in their aggregate complexity the lower the structure of basic social relations (and interesting information) around the individual. According to Dunbar's "social brain hypothesis", these complex societies deviate progressively from the evolutionary networking structure of our species. Thus "info" surrogates of whatever type are more and more necessary for the individual and for the society as a whole, although probably they are working worse and worse. If this is so, it makes sense that in the "information era" depression has become the first incapacitating pathology (above flu).

Unfortunately, the victory at the world championship has been so ephemeral!

best wishes

PS. As a question to Karl: in what extent are directed graphs (or generic networks) equivalent to multidimensional partitions? Would it make sense the description of "ascendancy" in terms of partitions?

Robert Ulanowicz escribió:
Dear Jorge and Fis members:

The method is intriguing, but rather ad-hoc.

I and colleagues in marine science have directly used information-theoretic indexes to evaluate the dynamically most important nodes and links in a quantified network. I'm convinced it could be applied as well to players on a team:

Ulanowicz, R.E. and D. Baird. 1999. Nutrient controls on ecosystem
           dynamics:  The Chesapeake mesohaline community.  J.  Mar.
           Sys. 19:159-172

The best,
Bob Ulanowicz

Robert E. Ulanowicz                |  Tel: +1-352-378-7355
Arthur R. Marshall Laboratory      |  FAX: +1-352-392-3704
Department of Biology              |  Emeritus, Chesapeake Biol. Lab
Bartram Hall 110                   |  University of Maryland
University of Florida              |  Email <>
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525 USA     |  Web <>

Quoting Jorge Navarro López <>:

Dear FIS collegaes,

Hi! This is my first posting in the list. My name is Jorge Navarro and I am working with Pedro on Systems Biology and Network Science. Following with Joseph proposal I have found an interesting paper about a satisfactory theory of information applicable to teamwork sports:

*Quantifying the Performance of Individual Players in a Team Activity*

I think that formally one can say a lot about what teamship activities become interesting and exciting to watch, and what other activities are dull and boring. I was playing soccer myself until a few years ago (forward), like Villa :-), and I am very interested in the informational side of sports, soccer of course.


Kind Regards



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