JOSEPH:  If the principle of scale hierarchy says that information flows are
not possible across scales, perhaps we need to take another look at that
principle ;-).

    S: Let me be more specific; no information flows UNMEDIATED across
levels whose changes occur at different scales.  Example: molecular dynamics
register as temperature at a higher level.  Individuals and ensembles of
them ‘speak’ different ‘languages’.

If there is no exchange between the unmanifest world and the manifest one,
and change, randomness, etc. are totally different in the unmanifest world,
this might tend to confirm it. However, I feel the differences between the
two are not only of scale.

    S:  I would suppose that ‘scale’ has no meaning in the unmanifest world.

GORDANA: Could it be the case that on the very fundamental level, “it” and
“bit” cannot be distinguished at all?

They simply are an “it-bit” like in Informational Structural Realism of
Floridi who (using different reasoning) argues that reality is an
informational structure.

 Fluctuons being quantum-mechanical phenomena have already dual
wave-particle nature.
Why cannot they be “it-bit” as well?

     S: At the most basic level fermions can intertransform with bosons, but
this is because matter is energy in a quiet form.  Both are ‘its’.  Now, if
we take ‘bits’ to be positions of on/off switches, then they are matter as
well. The meaning of arrays of such switches arises from semiosis, which is
a triadic configuration of relations resolving some local tension, and
fulfilling as well more general tendencies like the Second Law.  Semiosis,
as pragmatic, must be ‘it’ as well.  But meaning... is an entrainment, which
affects ‘its’, presumably bosonically.

    My question now is : are fluctuons physically just bosonic/fermionic

LOET:  Shannon-type information measures only variation/uncertainty.

     S: It seems to me that uncertainty is a key aspect of materiality, of

Thus, it seems to me difficult to escape from a monistic philosophy.  Yet
some -- note David Abel -- insist upon a dualist metaphysics.  His argument
boils down to the demand to demonstrate that arrangements of ‘its’s’ can
give rise to genetic information.

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