Dear Sri,

Thank you for your note, since I was "unhappy" with the point at which the 
discussion seemed to end. Your perspective on the structure of living 
organisms seems quite pertinent to the theme of
information processes. It is clearly related to Kaufmann-Logan "biotic" 

However - however - unless I have missed something, you do not take a 
position on the core thesis of Conrad's theory, namely (and All please 
correct me if wrong) the coupling between sub-quantum changes and biological 

In your note you refer to, among other things 1) the "vacuum" as a 
metaphorical expression of changes in molecules; 2) an epistemological view 
where you explicitly use the term "metaphorical spatial remapping of an 
historical process"; 3) the "adjacent possible" of "vacua", which vacua, 
however, refer back to your metaphorical pictures.

Now I think "adjacent possible" is wonderful expression for structures, 
among others in your note, that can be formalized, together with their 
dynamics, by the dialectics of my Logic in Reality. However, this discussion 
is about Conrad, not Brenner. As I understand him, Conrad placed the locus 
of his fluctuations at a level, that of string theory or some equivalent, 
below that of the thermodynamic processes well described by your approach.

Might I please ask you to point out the ontological, physical link, if any, 
that corresponds to the coupling as described above (between sub-quantum 
changes and biological molecules)? Please note that it is an extraordinarily 
deep and for me still unanswered question as to whether the terms "history" 
and "information" can apply to fluctuations in the quantum vacuum at all.

Thank you and best wishes,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Srinandan Dasmahapatra" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Fis] fluctuons


I've been meaning to send a note on Kevin Kirby's brief outline of
Conrad's fluction framework, but haven't had the time to compose my
thoughts coherently.  I realised that I wouldn't really have the time
to do so, so I had better send something half-baked along anyway to
contribute to the discussion.  Kevin concludes his piece with the
following remark: <quote>Overall, within fluctuon theory "the
interaction between the manifest organism and its unmanifest vacuum
sea image abets the evolution, persistence, and maintenance of this
unique complexity [of life]".  This is a fascinating and rich notion.
What can we unfold from this notion now in 2010?</quote>

The way I see it, organisms are organisational units, and we tend to
view genomic content as informational units.  However, genomic
identifiers are merely one way of providing information tags.  Apart
from the presence/absence of sequence, there is also the notion of the
multiple/collective (to borrow Alain Badiou's language) -- collections
of molecules that bear that signature.  It is these collectives that
comprise the dynamical state of cells and organisms, and the
cardinalities of these sets may often be used as a proxy for snapshots
of organismal state.  This tells us that organisational units such as
tissues may be characterised via such cardinalities -- liver cells and
heart cells have different protein number distributions within the
same organism yet protein distributions in liver cells are more
similar across taxa.  Hence the fluctuon concept may be viewed in this
concept as the creation and annihilation of molecules following gene
expression, or the transition into and out of active or inert
molecular state, around the "vacuum" -- the steady state of an open
dynamical network.  The response characteristics of this proteomic or
messenger RNA cloud and the entropy production (as measured in terms
of fluctuating numbers around the steady state) offer dynamical
proxies of the organism, extending the static snapshot.  This becomes
conceptually and mathematically accessible to perturbative ideas from
quantum field theory, and the recasting of stochastic processes via
Doi's 1976 work (Doi M (1976) Second quantized representation for
classical many-particle systems. J Phys A: Math Gen 9: 1465–1477) has
been used, for example, in Sasai M, Wolynes PG (2003) Stochastic gene
expression as a many-body problem Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(5):
2374–2379 to do that.  Moreover, neutral evolution offers a landscape
of adjacent "vacua" in the design space of possible gene expression
clouds and their response characteristics.  The protein identity
matching test pointed out the significance of non-coding, regulatory
sequences (King MC, Wilson AC, "Evolution at Two Levels in Humans and
Chimpanzees," Science1975, 188:107-16) indicating the necessity of
moving beyond identifiers as (sole) information carriers and to what
is now called evo-devo.  The "vacua" in the "fluctuon" picture
provides a way of characterising the landscape in this metaphorical
spatial remapping of a historical process which register the dynamical
responses of gene expression clouds of organismal, histological and
cytological collectives  at multiple-generational evolutionary time
scales, with neutrality exploring the "adjacent possible" of these
vacua, via alternative cis-regulatory underpinnings of dynamical
states.  This has been explored in the popular press by Gerhart and
Kirschner in The Plausibility of Life -- they reference Conrad in
there, to bring it back to where the discussion started.


Srinandan Dasmahapatra
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
Phone: +44(0)2380594503

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