*From:* Krassimir Markov <mailto:mar...@foibg.com>
*Sent:* Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:13 AM
*To:* fis@listas.unizar.es <mailto:fis@listas.unizar.es>
*Subject:* Re: [Fis] Info Theory

Dear Colleagues,

In the beginning of the XX-th century (approximately 100 years ago!) the great Bulgarian poet Pencho Slaveikov wrote:

"The speaker doesn't deliver his thought to the listener,
but his sounds and performances provoke the thought of the listener.

Between them performs a process like lighting the candle,
where the flame of the first candle is not transmitted to another flame,

but only cause it."

From my point of view, this is the essence of the Info Theory and, especially, of the Communication Theory.

Really, nothing is transferred but everything CAUSE our mind to “light”.

“Information” is a human concept.
Please ask your dog or cat, or the birds around, what is the information?
No answer.
But they really “think” as us.

Every live creature reacts to the external influences and this cause internal activity in the brain, in the cells of our body, etc.

Internal activity cause both new internal and external activity of our organism.

Our external activity cause reactions in the live creatures around, and so on ...

Not only.
Our organism is variety of sub-systems, live sub-systems, and they act the same way, etc. .

At the end, what is the information?

A kind of reflection (result of the influence), which cause our internal activity.

In the same time, such kind of reflection may exists at the lower layers of our organism.
This way, we may say, there is information at these layers.
More, by analogy, we may say there is information in every living creature.

But only humans call it “information” and try to measure it.
Of course, in such case we will measure everything, but not the “information” itself.

Because the internal activity closely depends of individuals and internal structure of the brain and configuration of neurons.
The same we may say for the internal structure of the cells ...

Friendly regards
fis mailing list

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