Dear Koichiro, With due respect for you and for the people you mention, there may be a fatal error in the initial description of the key relationships you mention as dichotomies. Unless, in all but the most trivial cases, you allow for interaction and sharing of the effective dynamic properties of the phenomena you are looking at, getting new insights into the way they evolve will continue to be difficult. In particular, neither actuality nor potentiality go to 0 or 1. The major contribution of Lupasco was to break through the strait-jacket of the concept of totally independent classes that follow standard bivalent logic. You seem to hint at this in your last point which talks in terms of "probabilistic events". However, having "explicit and definite distributions" is hardly possible in the real world, except as idealized, unrealizable abstractions. I am hoping that some readers of this note may be moved to consider what, in principle, might be achieved by opening up our language in the direction I suggest. We might lose some rigor in the narrow sense, but this is proving a dead end in any case. Its loss would be compensated by having a greater array of logical conceptual tools to work with. Thank you and best wishes, Joseph ----Ursprüngliche Nachricht---- Von: Datum: 19.03.2012 23:24 An: <> Betreff: Re: [Fis] FW: [Fwd: Re: Physics of computing]--Plamen S. Folks, A nice thing about the dichotomies such as the actual-potential (Peirce), einselection-superposition (Schroedinger), figure-background (Merleau-Ponty), filling-up - void (Marijuan), presence-absence (Deacon) and the like is the appraisal of the individual-class dichotomy even if an exhaustive list of the individuals constituting the class is not available. The price we have to pay for this, however, is that first person descriptions would have to be employed for appreciating the presence of some individuals that are currently absent on the spot for whatever reasons. In contrast, the individual-class dichotomy accessible to third person descriptions such as the dichotomy of each probabilistic event and its distribution would have to be explicit and definite with regard to both the individuals and the class from the outset. Cheers, Koichiro Matsuno _______________________________________________ fis mailing list
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