Hi to everyone,

Sorry for my tardiness (life within a PhD is not very easy!)

First, I am happy that every body has agreed on the conceptual chain 
genotype-phenotype-sociotype. For me that's important, as it is one of 
the foundations of my own work and the research project associated.

I return to John Collier’s comments on sets of behaviors (praxotype) and 
cognitive capabilities (cognotype). It calls my attention that the 
cognotype is defined as a software: something configurable and 
extendable. This point makes me consider: has our cognition limits? From 
my point of view, the brain needs to be stimulated in order to be 
minimally functional, to "feel good". Brain stimulation is needed to 
fix, maintain and strengthen the whole knowledge architecture, 
particularly in the social domain. Is there also an upper limit in this 
cognitive stimulation, or do we have unlimited processing capabilities? 
Seemingly, over-stimulation is only possible for a while, after which 
you lose the mental resistance and exhaustion ensues. In general, 
over-stimulation becomes negative and produces stress (e.g. learning in 
babies). Therefore, I believe that effective processing capacity does 
move within certain limits or thresholds.

Following the need to distinguish levels, I see our cognitive skills set 
as the essential element (micro). The behavior of the individual, the 
adopted roles, and the multiple relational situations are social 
phenomena studied by social psychology. Ok, but in order to understand 
the emerging macro-variables of the social structure, one must always 
take into account the whole cognitive capabilities of the individual. 
Hence I consider they are closely related levels. Although they may not 
follow the same laws, I think that they converge in the fact of moving 
within approximate thresholds, outside of which the system effectiveness 
is lost.

To make it clearer, in the extent to which they are effective, we could 
explore quantitatively some of these individual/social thresholds. And 
that's the goal of my PhD Thesis on the sociotype, to try to capture a 
few of them. How many relationships? How much talk?

Thanks to all for the useful comments!

Raquel del Moral
Grupo de Bioinformacion / Bioinformation Group

Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. San Juan Bosco 13, 50009 Zaragoza
Tfno. +34 976 71 44 76
E-mail. rdelmoral.i...@aragon.es

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