Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Congratulations to Pedro and Krassimir on your design for a great meeting! 

I just take this occasion to mention again an idea of mine, which I think is 
important, of encouraging speakers to write critically, even primarily, about 
the work of other active members of the group. I believe that it is important 
for all participants to have their work constructively criticized, and I really 
hope that a couple of people might pick up the idea, with which Pedro and 
Krassimir agree. It really forces one to look carefully at someone else's 
ideas, not only one's own.

Applying this to myself, for example, I would write a short paper about 
Krassimir's work. My paper might be critical, but of course Krassimir will have 
the chance of reading it, correcting it and deciding if he wants it to be 
presented or not.

There should be no 'competition' here. If more than one person decides to talk 
about the same colleague, that too could permit a new and useful comparison. 
Comments welcome.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 5:27 PM
  Subject: [Fis] FIS 20, Summer in Varna

  Dear FISers, 

  this is a reminder about the FIS Summer Conference in Varna to celebrate the 
20 years of this initiative. Below I include the basic technical information of 
the meeting. An important point: the period for early inscription and important 
discount in hotel prices will end the next 28 February. The meeting  will start 
on 3th July with a celebratory Gala Dinner --and toasts!-- followed by two work 
days in July 4-5. Given that we will hold the meeting conjointly with GIT 
sessions (General Information Theory), the FIS conference might be extended to 
the 6th July, depending on the number of inscriptions. Apart from the 
individual presentations, some general discussions are planned: 
definition/undefinition of information, consensus notion on information, 
strategies for the renewal and extension of information science, the next 20 
years... All parties from the germane organizations (IS4IS, ITHEA, Symmetry 
Institute, Chinese Sections...) are cordially invited to share a nice time in 

  Best regards,


  ITHEA International Scientific Society-- ITA 2014 

  GIT & FIS 2014
  XX-th anniversary of FIS initiative
  XII-th International Conference 
  General Information Theory

  DEADLINES for ITA 2014
  - February 28, 2014: booking of hotel, submission of registration forms and 
visa application forms by e-mail: and
  - March 31, 2014: submission of final paper by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web 
  - April 15, 2014: notification of the paper acceptance by the ITHEA ISS 
Submission Web System

  The camera-ready copy of the manuscript should be received by the ITHEA 
Journal Submission System ( ) or respectively by the ITHEA 
Conference Submission System ( ); e-mail for questions: 

  Please observe the folling rules and deadlines!

  Manuscripts need to be formatted in DOC or TeX formats according the sample 
sheets given at:
  - DOC template:
  - TeX template:

  Accepted manuscripts will be published by ITHEA as follow:
  - regular papers in English or Russian from 4 up to 12 pages and long papers 
or surveys in English from 12 up to 20 pages will be published  in the 
International Journal "Information Theories and Application ®(IJ ITA), 
International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge"®(IJ ITK), and 
International Journal “Information Models and Analyses” ®(IJ IMA).


  Membership of ITHEA ISS is free and may be done by registration at the
  Submit registration cards and visa forms to: Krassimir Markov, e-mail:

  Registration Fee is EURO 250 or 500 Leva per paper.
  Registration fee for members of ITHEA ISS: EUR 150 or 300 Leva.
  Registration fee includes publication fee and participation fee for one 

  Publication Fee is EURO 125 or 250 Leva per paper.
  Publication fee for members of ITHEA ISS: EURO 75 or 150 Leva per paper.
  Publication fee includes only one exemplar of the issue in which the paper 
has been published.

  Participation Fee is EURO 125 or 250 Leva per presentation.
  Participation Fee for members of ITHEA ISS: EURO 75 or 150 Leva per paper.
  Participation fee includes participation for one person and permits 
presentation of one paper without publishing.

  Accompanying Persons’ Fee is EURO 50 

-- ---------------------------------------------------------Pedro C. 
MarijuánGrupo de Bioinformacion / Bioinformation GroupInstituto Aragonés de 
Ciencias de la SaludAvda. San Juan Bosco 13, 50009 ZaragozaTfno. +34 976 71 68 


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