The "bookkeeping" approach is nicely presented in Mirowski's (1991) book:
More Heat Than Light:
Economics as Social Physics, Physics as Nature's Economics
Philip Mirowski
Cambridge University Press, 1991 ISBN 0521426898, 9780521426893

In my view, one should avoid, or at least be aware of, using one paradigm
to mend the failings of another. The Darwinian literature is full of this,
appealing now and then to one or another science when pure Selectionism is
clearly inadequate.

Rather, I believe that paradigms should be deployed in parallel, as a check
on each other, to the extent possible.

Authors with a biological background tend to present Information as an
add-on to bio-chemistry or ecology. These are partial theories of
Information, possibly useful to researchers in those fields, but avoiding
the implications of a truly universal theory of Information.

Malcolm Dean
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