>From Pedro's post of: Fri Jun 26 14:39:52 CEST 2015

>it is nice returning to the main discussion topic . . . <
Am I out of step, did I miss a topic chance? I thought the discussion topic
was still "Four Domains"

Re Xueshan's post of: Tue Jun 23 05:10:30 CEST 2015

>So far, on the argument of “It from Bit”, we can not prove it is correct,
but can not prove it is wrong too.<
I argue “It from Bit,” if taken literally, is patently wrong in claiming to
present ANY information. To even raise to the level of presenting some type
of entropic value it would at least need to be "It from BitS" (but it is
not framed so). . . and a close reading of Wheeler's writing shows his
mention of "bits" and he never(?) references a naked "bit" as having
informational value. Further, he notes "the posing of yes–no questions" and
that this is equivalent to "a participatory universe". So, who or what is
formulating and then asking these universal questions, and what is the
point or cause of those questions?! This is Krassimir's inferred God, from
the earlier posting, is it not?

To my eye "It from Bit" is a step backwards, and further muddies the
waters, as the author did not clearly frame his true meaning in this too
simplistic phrasing – leading to misinterpretations, etc.. This is the same
"muddy problem" (but now made worse) in the earlier noted "bizarre and
unsatisfying" use of the term information in Shannon-Weaver.

The whole matter of referencing the Tao in tandem with It for Bit I find
odd. I recall from my own studies that "The Tao that can be named is not
the true Tao." So, to take a purely(?) mystical notion and then to try to
overlay or relate that notion to information . . . just don't see how that
would fit. At best I would see an encounter with the Tao as an encounter
with Kantian like noumena.

My thoughts, for what they are worth . . .

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Marcus Abundis
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