Dear FIS Colleagues,

Some parties have doubts on how to count the two messages per week --the maximum allowed in this list except for the discussion chair, which currently is Alex. Following the international business week, the count starts on Monday and obviously ends on Sunday night. Not abiding by this rule leads to posting sanctions. The idea is to keep a reasonable traffic, to allow participation of more people, and to promote quiet, "reflective" posting beyond the merely excited and "reactive". Remember that people willing to check about the recent exchanges may go to:

As a brief note to Alex: it is fine that we are discussing all these curious and advanced themes here (and I do not want to interfere), but thinking that we are getting close to the end of this whole phenomenology session, and that Plamen's concluding topic will try to open some inroads in the applied realm, starting with some contemplation of basic multidisciplinary questions could be convenient, at least as a bridge. For instance (in my very personal interpretation):

1. What is the advantage of the phenomenological view in a basic information problem (relationship between "world", "object as living subject", "inquirer as heterogeneous communities of inquirers"). At least this is a real problem of mine when trying to update the scheme of cellular signaling relationships with the environment.

2. What is the advantage of the phenomenological view regarding the entire information problem (transcending the different "provincial" approaches to information"?

3. What is the advantage of the phenomenological view regarding the multidisciplinary conundrum (the accelerated expansion in the number of disciplines--several thousands nowadays, probably close to 10,000) and the more and more difficult synthesis and integration?

4. What is the advantage of closely relating phenomenology with Buddhist "metaphysics" (as has been done continuously in the recent discussions here)?

Of course, these are dense points --to disregard "reactively"-- and better to let them resurface in coming days. Now, in order to facilitate the ongoing discussion on Godel's, Dr. Albert Johnstone has joined the fis list today (thanks are due to Maxine).

Best greetings---Pedro

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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