Dear Marcus and FIS Colleagues,
Thank you very much for your great effort to develop useful knowledge about 
information phenomena.
For me, the FIS discussions are very interesting.
Unfortunately, I have no time to participate actively due to preparing ITHEA 
Int. Conferences, and especially, the GIT Int. Conference this year in July in 
Varna, Bulgaria..
After July 15, I shall be able to take part in this discussion if it still will 
be available.
I have many remarks and considerations which I want to share with you.
Friendly regards

From: Marcus Abundis 
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:53 PM
Subject: [Fis] "A Priori" Modeling of Information

Thank you Pedro, and of course, thank you very much for your enduring efforts 
in moderating this site . . . 

Greetings to all,

This session covers the a priori modeling of information. It targets a 
“meaningful void” named by Shannon and Weaver (1949). As such, it seeks to 
frame a “theory of meaning” and a “unified theory of information” (UTI), two 
thorny issues. A priori models can help as they often focus on organizing 
principles. Also, a winning view should offer benefits that equal or surpass 
gains seen from Shannon’s (1948) earlier work. For example, firm notions of 
meaning and universality are key to founding a meaningful AI, and to addressing 
hurdles in quantum mechanics/computing and in material science (Aspuru-Guzik, 

An a priori effort starts with “what comes before information,” using analytic 
philosophy to frame core concepts, but it ends in a phenomenology of useful 
information – two often opposed views. The session thus entails divergent 
levels of analysis that may stir confusion. For example, disorder at one level 
implies a type of order at a different level (type theory, Bateson’s 
“differences themselves must be differentiated”), but framed by one system of 
thought. Thus, to help guide this session and to initiate group dialogue, a 
cursory model is offered. With the foregoing cautionary notes in mind, I invite 
you to join this FIS session: together we will see what unfolds. . . . .

The full version of this introductory text (1,600 words) is attached as a PDF, 
or can be downloaded at:

The central goal of this session is – from an "a priori" perspective – to name 
specific structural fundaments, and attempt some progress on modeling:
1. An UTI that reconciles/synthesizes the works of Shannon (entropy), Bateson 
(differences/distinctions), and Darwinian selection (e.g., Are these the 
correct starting points and how do we proceed?)
2. How "meaning" can be framed in a *fundamental* manner that makes sense 
within the diverse informational roles we now confront (minimizing 
"higher-order" debate, re Deacon's [from IS4IS] "keeping our levels straight")

I look forward to hearing your thoughts . . . 


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