Hi FISers,

(1)  In 1997 [9], I defined the cell language as follows:

"Cell language is a self-organizing system of molecules, some of which

encode, act as signs for, or trigger, gene-directed cell processes."

So defined the cell language shares many qualitative similarities or principles 
with the human language as summarized in Tables 2 and 6-3 in my 11/27/2017 post 
to this list.  In contrast, Table 3 in the same post provides quantitative 
similarities between the two languages, since

(i) PDE, y = (A/(x + B)^5)/(Exp (C/(x + B)) -1) derived from physics and MAL, y 
= (Ax^-B)/Exp (Cx), derived from linguistics [15] have a similar mathematical 
form in that they are both the products of a power function and an exponential 
function, and

(ii) PDE and MAL are equivalent as far as their ability to fit long-tailed 
histograms regardless of whether they came from physics or linguistics.

These findings strongly indicate that there are structural features of cell and 
human languages that are similar in terms of their functions as inferred in 
Table 4.  Please note that the first two terms in the following are well 
established in linguistics and the third term was introduced in the cell 
language theory in 2012 [6]:

1st articulation = words forming sentences

2nd articulation = letters forming words
3rd articulation = sentences forming texts.

Table 4.  Isomorphism between cell and human languages deduced from a 
qualitative comparison between linguistics and cell biology [1, 2, 3, 4].

Cell Language

Human Language



A, C, G, T/U

Elementary signs [5]





Metabolic pathways

Decision making


Functionally related sets of metabolic pathways (FRMPs)

Logical reasoning or computing

(2)  What is the Planckian-Shannon plot (PSP) or the Planckian-Shannon space 
(PSS) ?

E hAs pointed out earlier on this list, PDE has been found to fit almost all 
long-tailed histograms we have analyzed so far that have been reported in the 
fields of atomic physics, molecular biology, cell biology, neurophysiology, 
psychology, glottometrics (also called quantitative linguistics), econometrics, 
cosmology [7-9], and most recently social network science [10].  The deviation 
of the asymmetric PDE from a symmetric curve such as the Gaussian distribution 
function [4, Figure 8.7] can be used as a measure of non-randomness, order, or 
information encoded in PDE [11].  There are two ways of quantifying the 
information content of PDE:

Plankian information of the first kind:   IPF = log2 [AUC (PDE)/AUC (GLE)]      

Plankian information of the second kind: IPS = - log2 [(\mu – mode)/(\sigma)]   

where AUC = Area Under the Curve; GLE = Gaussian-Like Equation whose rising 
portion approximate closely the rising portion of PDE, and \mu and \sigma are, 
respectively, the mean and the standard deviation of the data set that can be 
represented as a long-tailed histogram fitting PDE.  In addition PDE allows us 
to calculate the associated Shannon entropy as

H = - \Sigma (pi log2 pi)                                                       

wh  where \Sigma is the sum over i from 1 to n, the number of data points, and 
pi is the probability of the occurrence of the ith data point.
   We have analyzed the mRNA level data of the arbitrarily selected 10 
metabolic pathways measured from human breast tissues using microarrays by 
Perou et al. [12]. These data sets all produced long-tailed histograms that 
fitted PDE, thus generating 10 pairs of the I_PS and H values. (We found that 
I_PS values are more reproducible than I_PF.)  When these 10 pairs of numbers 
were plotted in the so-called “Plank-Shannon space”, a linear correlation 
(called the Planck-Shannon plot) was found with the R^2 value of 0.686(see the 
upper panel of Figure 1).  Interestingly, when similarly sized 10 sets of the 
mRNA levels were selected from the the human transcriptome that have no known 
metabolic functions and plotted in the PSS, no correlation was found, the R^2 
value being 0.213, far less than 0.7, the minimum threshold for a significant 
correlation (see the lower panel of Figure 1).


 (3)  Until just recently (fall, 2017), there has been no method to identify 
FRMPs although they were predicted to exist by the cell language theory.  It 
now seems that we have such a method in the form of the Planck-Shannon plots as 
exemplified in Figure 1.  In other words, when two sets of metabolic pathways 
are chosen that have 30 or more mRNA molecules in each pathway (so that a 
decent histogram can be obtained), one set encoding functions while  the other 
set having no metabolic functions, we see the difference in the correlation 
coefficients between their Planck-Shannon plots, indicating that the 
Planck-Shannon space (or the IPS vs. H plot) is capable of distinguishing sets 
of metabolic pathways that are functionally related from those having no 
functional relations.

(5)      If this interpretation of the Planck-Shannon plots is correct, the 
isomorphism between the structures of the human and cell languages as described 
in Table 4 above may be said to have been proven, at least in principle.   That 
is, we may have finally decoded the cell language (also called the DNA language 
by Trifonov in [13]).  I am tempted to suggest that the discovery of PDE in 
2008 and that of its derivative, the Planck-Shannon space in 2017, may be 
comparable to the discovery of the DNA double helix in 1953 [14].

Any questions or comments are welcome.




   [1] Ji, S. (2017).  Planck-Shannon space: A novel quantitative method to 
identify functionally related metabolic pathways in cell biology.  A short talk 
to be presented at the 118th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Hill Center, 
Rutgers University, 12/17-19/2017.
   [2] Ji, S. (1997). Isomorphism between cell and human languages: molecular 
biological, bioinformatic and linguistic implications.  BioSystems 44: 17-39.
PDF at 
   [3] Ji, S. (1999).  The Linguistics of DNA: Words, Sentences, Grammar, 
Phonetics, and Semantics.  Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 870:411-417.
   [4] Ji, S. (2017).  The Cell Language Theory; Connecting Mind and Matter.  
World Scientific Publications, New Jersey.
   [5] Ji, S. (2017).  The Quark Model of Peircean Signs, Section 6.6 in [4].
   [6] Ji, S. (2012).  Molecular Theory of the Living Cell: Concepts, Molecular 
Mechanisms, and Biomedical Applications.  Springer, New York.  Section 6.1.2.

[3]    [7]  Ji, S. (2015). Planckian distributions in molecular machines, 
living cells, and brains: The wave-particle duality in biomedical 
  In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biology and Biomedical 
Engineering, Vienna, March 15-17, 2015. Pp. 115-137.  PDF at   

Field Mechanics: Natural Science beyond the Veil of Spacetime (Amoroso, R., 
Rowlands, P., and Kauffman, L. eds.), World Scientific, New Jersey, 2015, pp. 
579-589.   PDF at 
  Symmetry: Science and Culture 27 (2): 99-127 (2016).
PDF at 
   [10] Unpublished observations made in collaboration with Pedro Marijuan of 
Zaragoza, Spain.
Field Mechanics: Natural Science beyond the Veil of Spacetime (Amoroso, R., 
Rowlands, P., and Kauffman, L. eds.), World Scientific, New Jersey, 2015, pp. 
579-589.   PDF at 
   [12] Perou, C. M., Sorlie, T., Eisen, M. B., et al. (2000).  Molecular 
portraits of human breast Tumors. Nature 406(6797):747-52.

   [13] Trifonov, E. N. (1993). DNA AS A LANGUAGE. Bioinformatics, 
Supercomputing and Complex Genome Analysis: pp. 103-110. 

   [14] In introducing my 2012 book, Molecular Theory of the Living Cell, on my 
web page at  
http://www.conformon.net/2017/08/21/molecular-theory-of-the-living-cell-2/, I 
wrote as follows (BRE is synonymous with PDE):

“. . . One of the most surprising findings is that a mathematical equation, 
referred to as the blackbody radiation-like equation (BRE), fits (i) protein 
folding Gibbs free energy data of the 4,300 proteins of E. coli (see the 
right-hand panel of Figure 1 shown below), (ii) the single-molecule enzymic 
activity of cholesterol oxidase (Section 11.3.3), and (iii) the whole-cell 
transcription rate and transcript level data measured from budding yeast 
undergoing glucose-galactose shift (Section 12.12). Because the mathematical 
form of BRE is identical to that of the blackbody radiation equation discovered 
by M. Planck in 1900 which later led to the quantization of the energy of 
electrons in atoms, it appears logical, by analogy, to postulate that the Gibbs 
free energy levels of enzymes in living cells are also quantized. The 
quantization of the energy levels of electrons in atoms accounted for the 
structural regularities of matter embodied in the periodic table. Similarly the 
discovery of BRE and the consequent quantization of Gibbs free energy of 
enzymes in living cells (Section 12.14) may account for the functional 
regularities of living cells and their higher-order structures including the 
human body. Just as the 1.25-page Nature article published by Watson and Crick 
in 1953 found the secrets of life in the form of the DNA double helix, so it 
may be that the 730-page Molecular Theory of the Living Cell published this 
year has found a secret of the living cell in the form of BRE (see Figure 1 and 
Table 1 below).”

   [15]  Menzerath-Altmann law.   

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