In principle I agree with Terry. I have been thinking of this, though I am
still not able to make a sound formulation of the idea. Still I am afraid
that if I miss the chance to make at least a brief formulation of it I will
lose the opportunity to make a brainstorming with you. So, here it comes:

I have been thinking that a proper way to distinguish the contexts in which
the concept of information acquires a fixed meaning or the many contexts on
which information can be somehow observed, is to make use of the
distinction between medium and form as developed by N. Luhmann, D. Baecker
and E. Esposito. I have already expressed my opinion in this group that
what information is depends on the system we are talking about. But  the
concept of medium is more especific since a complex system ussualy has many
sources and types of information.
So the authors just mentioned, a medium can be broadly defined as a set of
loosely coupled elements. No matter what they are. While a Form is a
temporary fixed coupling of a limited configuration of those elements.
Accordingly, we can be talking about DNA sequences which are selected by
RNA to form proteins or to codify a especific instruction to a determinate
cell. We can think of atoms forming a specific kind of matter and a
specific kind of molecular structure. We can also think of a vocabulary or
a set of linguistic conventions making possible a meaningful utterance or
The idea is that the medium conditions what can be treated as information.
Or even better, each type of medium produces information of its own kind.
According to this point of view, information cannot be transmitted. It can
only be produced and "interpreted" out of the specific difference that a
medium begets between itself and the forms that take shape from it. A
medium can only be a source of noise to other mediums. Still, media can
couple among them. This means that media can selforganize in a synergetic
manner, where they depend on each others outputs or complexity reductions.
And this also mean that they do this by translating noise into information.
For instance, language is coupled to writing, and language and writing to
print. Still oral communication is noisy to written communication. Let us
say that the gestures, emotions, entonations, that we make when talking
cannot be copied as such into writing. In a similar way, all the social
practices and habits made by handwriting were distorted by the introduction
of print. From a technical point of view you can codify the same message
orally, by writing and by print. Still information and meaning are not the
same. You can tell your girlfriend you love her. That interaction face to
face where the lovers look into each others eye, where they can see if the
other is nervous, is trembling or whatever. Meaning (declaring love and
what that implies: marriage, children, and so on) and information (he is
being sincere, she can see it in his eye; he brought her to a special
place, so he planned it, and so on) take a very singular and untranslatable
configuration. If you write a letter you just can say "I love you". You
shall write a poem or a love letter. Your beloved would read it alone in
her room and she would have to imagine everything you say. And  imagination
makes information and meaning to articulate quite differently as in oral
communication. It is not the same if you buy a love card in the kiosk and
send it to her. Maybe you compensate the simplicity of your message by
adding some chocolates and flowers. Again, information (jumm, lets see what
he bought her) and meaning are not the same. I use examples of social
sciences because that is my research field, although I have the intuition
that it could also work for natural sciences.


El feb 7, 2018 10:47 AM, "Sungchul Ji" <> escribió:

> Hi  FISers,
> On 10/8/2017, Terry wrote:
> " So basically, I am advocating an effort to broaden our discussions and
> recognize that the term information applies in diverse ways to many
> different contexts. And because of this it is important to indicate the
> framing, whether physical, formal, biological, phenomenological,
> linguistic, etc.
> . . . . . . The classic syntax-semantics-pragmatics distinction introduced
> by Charles Morris has often been cited in this respect, though it too is in
> my opinion too limited to the linguistic paradigm, and may be misleading
> when applied more broadly. I have suggested a parallel, less linguistic
> (and nested in Stan's subsumption sense) way of making the division: i.e.
> into intrinsic, referential, and normative analyses/properties of
> information."
> I agree with Terry's concern about the often overused linguistic metaphor
> in defining "information".  Although the linguistic metaphor has its
> limitations (as all metaphors do), it nevertheless offers a unique
> advantage as well, for example, its well-established categories of
> functions (see the last column in *Table 1*.)
> The main purpose of this post is to suggest that all the varied theories
> of information discussed on this list may be viewed as belonging to the
> same category of ITR (Irreducible Triadic Relation) diagrammatically
> represented as the 3-node closed network in the first column of *Table 1*.
> *Table 1.*  The postulated universality of ITR (Irreducible Triadic
> Relation) as manifested in information theory, semiotics, cell language
> theory, and linguistics.
> *Category Theory*
> *   f            g*
> *   A -----> B ------> C     |                           ^
>     |                            |     |______________| **   h*
> *ITR (Irreducible Triadic Relation**)*
> *Deacon’s theory of information*
> *Shannon’s*
> *Theory of*
> *information*
> *Peirce’s theory of signs*
> *Cell language theory*
> *Human language (Function)*
> A
> *Intrinsic *information
> Source
> Object
> Nucleotides*/
> Amion acids
> Letters
> (Building blocks)
> B
> *Referential *information
> Message
> Sign
> Proteins
> Words
> (Denotation)
> C
> *Normative *information
> Receiver
> Interpretant
> Metabolomes
> (Totality of cell metabolism)
> Systems of words
> (Decision making & Reasoning)
> f
> ?
> Encoding
> Sign production
> Physical laws
> Second articulation
> g
> ?
> Decoding
> Sign interpretation
> Evoutionary selection
> First and Third articulation
> h
> ?
> Information flow
> Information flow
> Inheritance
> Grounding/
> Habit
> *Scale* *Micro-Macro?* *Macro* *Macro* *Micro* *Macro*
> *There may be more than one genetic alphabet of 4 nucleotides.  According
> to the "multiple genetic alphabet hypothesis', there are n genetic
> alphabets, each consisting of 4^n letters, each of which in turn
> consisting of n nucleotides.  In this view, the classical genetic
> alphabet is just one example of the n alphabets, i.e., the one with n = 1.
> When n = 3, for example, we have the so-called 3rd-order genetic alphabet
> with 4^3 = 64 letters each consisting of 3 nucleotides, resulting in the
> familiar codon table.  Thus, the 64 genetic codons are not words as widely
> thought (including myself until recently) but letters!  It then follows
> that proteins are words and  metabolic pathways are sentences.  Finally,
> the transient network of metbolic pathways (referred to as
> "hyperstructures" by V. Norris in 1999 and as "hypermetabolic pathways" by
> me more recently) correspond to texts essential to represent
> arguement/reasoning/computing.  What is most exciting is the recent
> discovery in my lab at Rutgers that the so-called "Planck-Shannon plots" of
> mRNA levels in living cells can identify function-dependent "hypermetabolic
> pathways" underlying breast cancer before and after drug
> treatment (manuscript under review).
> Any comments, questions, or suggestions would be welcome.
> Sung
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