On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 04:52:56PM -0500, Philip Ganchev wrote:
> I have used it on other systems, (Matlab?) and it is very annoying.
> To bring up a 6-line command that was executed 5 commands ago, you
> have to press the arrow 30 times, and either count or scrutinize every
> time whether this is the line you want.


> >the current way is verry annoying, it makes me lose work, because i keep
> >forgetting that i can not switch lines in multiline mode.
> >i start writing, then i want to go back a line, and then oops, and my
> >half written command is gone. bad.
> >
> >it would not be so bad if the half written command did not get lost.
> Huh? It is not lost, as far as I can see.  Start typing, hit UpArrow
> several times, hit DownArrow until the end of the history.  You have
> the command you started typing.

if i start typing then uparrow enters the search mode to find what i
typed. not what i want at that point, and i can't figure out how to get
out of that searchmode without killing the line.

> >and maybe instead of the arrow keys some other keys can be provided to
> >switch lines.
> You mean move to the next or previous line within the same command?


> Control+UpArrow and +DownArrow would parallel Control+LeftArrow and
> +RightArrow which by default move by one word.  But we are approaching
> the state of too many key combinations to remember, so we should unify
> functionality whenever possible.


> >in that same area: ctrl-a and ctrl-e should only move within one line.
> >and essentially, all the editing features of a single line command
> >should be available within a line of a multiline command.
> And how do I move to the start of the command?

home and end

> >just today i wanted to build a look and within it reuse a command that i
> >had used before. being able to activate a search at that point would
> >have been ideal.
> I am working on a proposal that may let you do that without having to
> explicitly search.

cool, i am very curious about that.

> I think you mean <Enter> should not execute the command unless the
> cursor is at the end of the command. 


> Maybe so, not sure.  The
> tradeoff is obvious -- it makes it harder to actually execute the
> command, which is a much more common operation than indenting. 

it is not about indenting, it is about the ability to add new lines,
which is currently not possible unless the command is not complete.

> You can move the cursor to where you want to indent, cut the line and
> press <Enter> then.

i can not press enter ever, because i always risk that the command is
executed. i have to be sure that it is not yet executable.

> >all arguments about modality aside:
> >multiline editing already IS a different mode.
> How?  We should change that.  It should not be.

ctrl-a and ctrl-e mean by tradition to go to the beginning or end of a line.
in multiline mode they do not do that.
enter normally executes a command. 
if the command is not executable, because it is not complete, then it
adds a new line.

to remove modality, enter should never add a new line, but a different
key would be needed for that.

there is definetly some issues to be worked out.

greetings, martin.
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unix system-      bahai.or.at                        iaeste.(tuwien.ac|or).at
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Martin Bähr       http://www.iaeste.or.at/~mbaehr/

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