Hello all,

Little bit by little bit I've been porting bash functions from my bash
workflow over to fish functions and have had great success, with one
caveat.  I haven't been able to get fish to autoload files from the
functions/ directory at all.  For now I'm just stashing everything in the
.config/fish/fish.config file and it all works fine.  Eventually though,
I'd like to have my functions broken out in a better organized scheme like
.config/fish/functions/git_commands.fish etc.

I spent some time searching through the mailing list and the github issue
tracker and wasn't able to find any solution that worked for me, as the
only similar problem was solved by updating to fish 1.21 and I am already
on fish 2.0.

As an example, I've copied out a few functions from the readymade prompts
from the web config into a .fish file which will not load at startup.

The command sequence below seems like I've explored all the options, but I
could very well be missing something.

Any suggestions are appreciated, for until then I am putting everything in
my fish.config.


robert@Rapha ~> uname

robert@Rapha ~> echo $fish_function_path
/Users/robert/.config/fish/functions /usr/local/etc/fish/functions

robert@Rapha ~> fish --version
fish, version 2.0.0

robert@Rapha ~> ls -la .config/fish/functions
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  4 robert  staff    136 Feb 18 12:05 .
drwxr-xr-x  7 robert  staff    238 Feb 18 12:32 ..
-rwxr-xr--  1 robert  staff    224 Feb 18 12:05 git.fish

robert@Rapha ~> cat .config/fish/functions/git.fish
function git_is_dirty
  echo (git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty) ^/dev/null

function git_branch_name
  echo (git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||')

robert@Rapha ~> git_branch_name
fish: Unknown command 'git_branch_name'

robert@Rapha ~> . ~/.config/fish/functions/git.fish

robert@Rapha ~> git_branch_name
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