On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 08:20:01PM -0700, Mark Xia wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering why fish has this cd behavior:
> $mkdir new
> $cd new
> $mkdir foo
> $mkdir bar
> $mkdir sup
> now type cd<space><tab><tab>
> The first tab lists the files/folders in new, but the second tab causes
> your input to become cd bar/
> Is this a bug? If no, how do we use this correctly? For example, I am used
> to pressing tab more than once from bash because it doesn't change your
> input, all it does is relist your files/folders.

i have seen this problem too. 
not just with cd, but with file completion in general:

ls ./<tab><tab>
shows the list as expected, but type a letter, say "s"
i end up with ls ./bar/s

so it looks like there is a bug with hitting tab a second time

greetings, martin.
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