I ran across this somewhere on the Internet and have never looked back since: 

function fish_user_key_bindings
  bind \cs 'sudo-my-prompt'
function sudo-my-prompt
  set -l cmd (commandline)
  commandline --replace "sudo $cmd"

The muscle memory of sudo !! Becomes ctrl-p ctrl-s

It's not exactly the same, but it scratches the same itch. 


> On May 19, 2016, at 05:04, Mike Costanzo <mrcosta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been using fish for some time now and I understand that the !! syntax is 
> a design decision not an omission.
> That being said, I still miss it all the time.
> So if I want to create a function to fill the 'sudo bang bang void', how 
> would I do it?
> Specifically, how do I pick out the last command from history from a function?
> Thanks,
> -Mike
>> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 4:47 AM, Mike Meyer <m...@mired.org> wrote:
>> !$ is spelled Alt-UpArrow (or similar, depending on how your 
>> keyboard/windowing system/etc. is configured). 
>> For !!, just use history and edit. With Emacs bindings, it's C-P C-A "sudo 
>> ". Not quite as convenient in general, though in this case similar. But it's 
>> obvious if you just think about it as editing history.
>>> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 3:41 AM Stig Brautaset <s...@brautaset.org> wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I'm a recent migrant from zsh and overall I'm overall happy with fish,
>>> but I do sorely miss the !$ and !! constructs. As an example, I often
>>> type a command only to have it error because I forgot to precede it with
>>> sudo. In zsh I would normally just type "sudo !!" to execute the
>>> previous command again, properly prefixed with sudo.
>>> I understand that !$ and !! are not super discoverable, and that this is
>>> an explicit design goal in fish. Does fish have an alternative mechanism
>>> for this case that I just haven't discovered yet because I'm not
>>> thinking outside my zsh-shaped box? All suggestions welcome.
>>> Stig
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