Hello everyone,

When I try to print a single non-control character to the terminal, I
get nothing back. I tried different terminals and shells; it happens
everywhere, only with Fish.

    echo -n x         # prints nothing
    printf "%d" 9     # idem
    printf "%s" Y     # idem
    printf "%x" 15    # idem
    echo x            # prints "x\n"
    printf "%s" Yep   # prints "Yep"
    printf "%02x" 15  # prints "0f"
    printf "%d" 10    # prints "10"
    printf "%x" 16    # idem
    echo              # prints "\n"
    printf \n         # idem
    printf \a         # plays sound

This problem affects any program run under Fish which prints to
stdin/stderr, e.g.:

    printf 'int main() { printf("x"); }' \
      | cc -x c -w - -o test-prog        \
      ; ./test-prog

Since, however, printing to other files, pipes, etc. seems to work,
the issue must concern echoing.

    echo (echo -n x)                            # prints "x\n"
    printf "%s\n" (printf x)                    # idem
    printf x\n | cat > test-file; cat test-file # idem

Can anyone reproduce with Fish 2.5.0?


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