
Due to [1] I use "|| exit -2" to break script on a command execution
failure in my backup script.

However, I also want to have output written to a file. The following
solution writes logs to a file, but silently ignores any failure in
> my-backup 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/some-log || exit -2

I tried to keep the error in a variable (to check its state later on and
fail), but it breaks output redirection at all:
> my-backup 2>&1 || set ERR2 -2 | tee -a /tmp/some-log || exit -3

Maybe keeping the first two commands in (logical) brackes would help,
but () are in Fish reserved for something else.

Is it possible in Fish to have a construction that allows to:
1. Run command and have output redirected (e.g. with "tee") also to a
file (at least) in a case of success.
2. Break further commands execution in a case of failure (with "|| exit
-2" or anything else).


[1] - https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/2389


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