
Traditionally, readline-style applications complete the longest common
prefix when pressing tab once, and only when pressing tab again they
actually show the available options.

I changed fish to do both things when pressing tab only once. IPython
does the same.

Since this is a core feature and we don't want to alienate people who
have acquired a muscle memory of the old behavior, please let me know
if you have any concerns.

The patch [1] is already in master, so you can easily try it.
Also refer to the motivating issue [2] on GitHub.

Example: create some files with a common prefix,

        $ touch common-prefix-(seq 100)

then type "cat comm<TAB>".  Previously, fish would only insert
"common-prefix-". Now it also shows the file names, but caps the to
pager to four lines, so this seems fine.


[1]: https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/commit/28d67c8f0
[2]: https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/6924

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