This patch renames flac_internal_CreateFile_utf8() function to
grabbag__CreateFile_utf8() and
moves it from /src/libFLAC/windows_unicode_filenames.c into
This function is not used by libFLAC anyway.

After this, it should be possible to compile libFLAC as UWP.

In the old code there were 3 different #if  conditionals around the
code that uses CreateFile_utf8():
1)  #ifdef _WIN32 ... #endif
2)  #if defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__ ... #endif
3)  #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__ ... #endif
It seems for me that the 2nd version makes more sense,so I replaced
them all with it.

Also this patch removes WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION ... CreateFile2 etc
stuff from the code.
The file src/share/grabbag/file.c contains non-UWP function
and nobody complained, so it's OK to use non-UWP
CreateFileA/CreateFileW as well.

Attachment: move_function_CreateFile_out_of_libFLAC.patch
Description: Binary data

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