
On a more general note, do you experience the decoding speed of libFLAC as
a bottleneck in your application? Decoding speed of FLAC is already
best-in-class among lossless audio codecs, so I actually wasn't expecting
anyone to object to a (small) decrease in decoding speed. There have been
more changes recently that could (slightly) affect decoding speed, but for
good reasons. I am aware that the following changes affect decoding speed

Comparing current git to release 1.3.4 for my 64-bit x86 machine this adds
up to about 4% slowdown for both 16-bit and 24-bit audio. When using a
32-bit compile, for 16-bit audio this cancels out against the speed gain
from the removal of optimizations and for 24-bit audio this compounds to
about 10% speed loss. Numbers may vary depending on the CPU specifics. I
didn't think this would be a problem, but please speak up (and if possible
elaborate on the details) if it is.
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