
First of all, if you need to direct an email to my attention, please email it to me, and not to FlashCoders:


second, as I posted earlier, remoting / AMF0 is supported in the Player (as Muzak demonstrated). AMF0 is not currently supported in the framework (AMF3 is).

The mx.* packages are part of the framework. The flash.* classes are part of the player.

This is an early ALPHA, so documentation and implimentations may not be complete.

mike chambers


hank williams wrote:
Ok, so I am potentially back to my original position of being
concerned that remoting is not supported.

Muzak did some work with the netConnection class, but in the "old
days" remoting worked by requesting a service from a NetConnection by
calling connection.getService("servicepath");

There is no getService call documented in the actionscript
documentation, so my question is how does this work now?

I am thinking it is related to the mx.rpc.remoting package, but the
documentation seems ah... scant.

for the RemoteObject constructor is says:
public RemoteObject(destination:String = null)
Creates a new RemoteObject.

        destination:String (default = null) — [optional] Destination of the
RemoteObject; should match a destination name in the flex-services.xml


but what is flex-services.xml. And if I am writing pure actionscript
why would I need to establish a flex-services.xml file either locally
or on a server.

I ask this question because you (mike chambers) earlier today said we
could do remoting via actionscript without flex components and without
the flex enterprise services. So I am really just looking for the
equivalent calls to using netConnection and a netServiceProxy.



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