Hello all,
Perhaps someone can help me figure this problem out.

I have a flash app that streams a flv. Then at the end of the video an
event is triggered.
I'm not using onLastSecond due to technology in current usage.

So instead I'm doing 2 things to evaluate end of video state/event.

First I'm looking for the onMetaData event and evaluating the duration
versus the NetStream playhead, but there are some issues with only
relying on this method. (Bottle-necking can cause the stream to skip
or seek forward and meta data never gets read)

So secondly, I'm looking for 2 events from the server.
NetStream.Buffer.Flush and NetStream.Buffer.Empty. First looking for
Flush then looking for Empty to follow. However, even those 2 events
never get triggered by the server. For the life of me I don't know
why. Perhaps the stream service provider did not update the

Is there any other method of know the stream has ended?
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