"Sure Flash can talk straight to a database! All you need to do is set the connection string or something!"

-> shure it can not, it needs a server side language of your choice to do so.

to clear things up.

- you have a html form with a flash movie embedded.

- the html form calls a server side script to submit the data of the form to a database.

- the html form can only send variables which are in its scope.

- as you have a flash movie embedded in your form you have to make the variables of the flash movie available to the html form.

-to do so, you have to send the the variables in the flash movie to the html form, or as Michael Bedar said: "You would need to call a javascript function from AS when the user clicks the inside swf and set the value of a hidden form field".

- you call a javascipt function from a flash movie like: getURL("javascript:processFlashData(" + xVal + "," + yVal + ")");

- the js function needs to write the variables into hidden fiels in the html form.

one more thing:
"I've always thought you used loadVariables to call an (in my experience) ASP or PHP page that talked to the database." thats true, but you dont want to send the variables from the flash movie to the db, you want the html form to do that...

Benjamin Herholz | Code

Hamburg - Copenhagen
m: +49 (0) 160 96670732

Amanda Kuek wrote:
On 30/10/05, Michael Bedar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You would need to call a javascript function from AS when the user
clicks the inside swf and set the value of a hidden form field.. then
the user can click the HTML send button and send everything.

Thank you very much. I haven't done this before, but from some quick
googling, I assume that one would use something like fscommand or getURL?

The person who gave me the brief said something along the lines of "Sure
Flash can talk straight to a database! All you need to do is set the
connection string or something!" I hitherto hadn't realised this was
possible - I've always thought you used loadVariables to call an (in my
experience) ASP or PHP page that talked to the database. Can anyone clear
this one up for me please?

Thanks very much,

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