No - it _doesn't_ change the type of the variable from the compiler's PoV,
that's my point. :-)

I've probably been explaining really badly.

The statement:

var my_var:A;

defines a thing which can point to objects of type A.

This thing can only _ever_ hold references to objects of type A and objects
derived from A; never anything else.

So, assuming class C extends class B which extends class A:

var b1:B = new A(); // Compiler chokes, as it can't guarantee that all the
methods B defines
are available in A. Compilation would stop here.
var b2:B = new B(); // no problem
var b3:B = new C(); // again, no problem, because C inherits from B and the
compiler is
happy that C can do everything B can.

b2.doAMethodDefinedInA(); // Fine - compiler knows that B extends A
b2.doAMethodDefinedInB(); // Again, fine.

b3.doAMethodDefinedInA(); // Still fine
b3.doAMethodDefinedInB(); // Yup.
b3.doAMethodDefinedInC(); // Nope. The compiler thinks that b3 is of object
type B - it knows nothing of C, because 'b3' was defined as being of type B
in it's declaration.

Note that the last line would compile fine if class B were defined as
'dynamic' - because it's dynamic, the compiler throws out all type-checking
on B. There go the safety-nets... which is what was happening in your
MovieClip example.

Now, if the _programmer_ was happy that b3 was _actually_ a C, he could
always type:

var c:C=C(b3); // Downcasting is perfectly legal...
c.doAMethodDefinedInC(); // And now the compiler is happy

I hope that's clearer. :-D But now I'm probably waaay off the original
topic, whatever it was... sorry, it's been a helluva weekend. ;-)


On 10/31/05, JesterXL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To clarify, it changes to the type as far as the compiler is concerned,
> but
> at runtime, yes, it's just a MovieClip.
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