
I really feel like an idiot, but this is not the first time.
Thank you for you instructions and patience, and your reply.
I also can't cook rice to save my life!


On Oct 31, 2005, at 10:02 AM, John Dowdell wrote:

Summary: The "New" button in your emailer helps get attention for a new thread better than the "Reply" button does.

DP wrote:
> How do I make a new topic in this group?
> I've tried posting a new topic twice.

You just did so here... you can check it in the archive too: thread.html

First post was "Looping Loaded Sound", which you actually sent as a reply to a message in a "Flash in Firefox" in conversation, which in turn had hijacked a thread titled "tracking inactivity".

Then there was a thread you tried to start titled simply "ming", but this was hidden within a discussion about cancelling a loading process.

A later request on right-clicking was shoved into a "Flash vs Flex" discussion, which many people may have deleted as a group.

The cause of all this was hitting "Reply" in your emailer and changing the title -- this doesn't change the instructions in the email header, and so you get lost in the archives, and don't get seen by those of us who use a threaded email reader.

Just hit "New" for a new message, paste in the address, and you'll get better visibility. Use a good thread title (like the one you have above), and clearly ask something that others can answer, and you'll usually get good results on mailing lists! :)

... but in this latest case, I haven't tested for ways to keep rendering during a held right-click, and so don't have a good way to reply to the other thread, sorry.

John Dowdell . Macromedia Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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