Hi Eric,

Maybe a more optimized solution would be to have an onMouseMove event on the
movieclip that is being dragged, which would be activated when the movieclip
is dragged, that would run eval on the clips _droptarget property for each
onMouseMove event. Each target could have a distinguishing public property
that would be evaluated with the hitTest that would serve as the exception
for triggering the onRollOver function. The dragging clip would also do a
onRollOut trigger on the last clip it was over once the clip is no longer
over the target.

I tested this:

var lastMC:MovieClip;

function onPress(){
onMouseMove = runOnMouseMove;

function runOnMouseMove(){
var t = eval(this._droptarget);
lastMC = undefined;
lastMC = t;

function onRelease(){
onMouseMove = undefined;

onReleaseOutside = onRelease;

Good luck,


On 11/2/05, Éric Thibault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have an application that uses startdrag events.
> My problem is that I have about 20 targets with rollover events (each
> hilighting a different portion of a radiography). When I drag an MC
> over those targerts, the rollover dont get triggered! Is there a way to
> pass the mouse event under my dragged MC to trigger my rollovers? To
> temporary solve this (an get a demo working) I've put en onenterframe
> inside each of my targets that checkes if the mouse is over them!
> There must be a better way to do that!
> Thanks a million! :-)
> --
> ===============================================================
> Éric Thibault
> Programmeur analyste
> Réseau de valorisation de l'enseignement
> Université Laval, pavillon Félix-Antoine Savard
> Québec, Canada
> Tel.: 656-2131 poste 18015
> Courriel : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===============================================================
> Avis relatif à la confidentialité / Notice of Confidentiality /
> Advertencia de confidencialidad <
> http://www.rec.ulaval.ca/lce/securite/confidentialite.htm>
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