Hi All,

I am faced with another one of those problems that I think should be simple, but for whatever reason I can't solve.

Hopefully someone can help.

I have a series of movieclips stacked on top of each other beginning with MC1 and ending with MC6.

I want MC1 to fade out revealing MC2.

MC2 to fade out revealing MC3 and so on.

but when it gets to MC6, I want MC6 to fade out revealing MC1.

I know what I need to do (i think, but it's not working).

I need to take the previous MC that has just faded out and swap it's depth to the lowest depth of the 6 MCs and reset it's alpha to 100 so the process can loop indefinitely.

but I'm not able to do this.

I'm not able to think through to where I missing the boat.

can anyone offer some guidance?

thank you,

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