OK, I dumped the ScrollPane Component completely. I have built a MC that has
a few ComboBoxes in it. I place it on the Stage and added two arrow images
to the right as a scrollbar place holder.

I added code to these arrows to simply move the MC with the ComboBoxes up
and down (theMC._y +/- 10). Simple enough.

This works as expected. Then i load this SWF into a second SWF and my
ComboBox components go to Hell!!!  I have added the ComboBox component to
the loader SWF library and that at least allows me to click the thumb area
of the component and get a dropdown. But the dropdown area looks as if it
either has no background or it is being rendered behind the text that is
also in the MC.

Please! For the love of all that is right in the world, someone throw me a
bone!  I can't believe that components are so simply broken!

Running Flash 8
Win XP SP2
Happens is all browsers

Charles P.
Flashcoders mailing list

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