The vulnerabilities were reported on Bugtraq
arch%21&metaname=alldoc&sort=swishlastmodified) a couple weeks ago.  The
vulnerabilities involve an attacker creating a malicious .swf file and
tricking a user into downloading it, similar to a web site tricking a user
into downloading a virus.  

If you're creating a Flash application/animation for a customer, though,
it's obviously not malicious, and thus the application itself is not
susceptible to the "attack".  The problem will be political, though,
convincing your DoD customer your application isn't vulnerable.

Of course, the reason to ban Flash player is less about interfacing with
your benign application, and more about worrying that a user will
inadvertently connect to another site that *does* have a malicious .swf
file.  The bug is in the Flash player, and can lead to compromise of the
client's system.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Merrill,
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 1:51 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: [Flashcoders] Flash security advisories from U.S. Navy/Marines?

Anyone know anything about this?  See the report below.  This would
effectively bring our Flash work with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corp to a
screeching halt.  The NMCI gold disk is the standard install of software
for all computers in the Navy and Marines.  Flash 7 was previously
approved - now it looks like they could begin removing it from machines.
It would be a long while before they approve Flash 8.  And we were just
about to propose a Flex option for them too.  :-(


Anyone know anything about this security issue?


From: ***** 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 1:28 PM
To: ********
Subject: FW: Flash security advisories




The NMCI just blocked access to ALL swf files from their web servers
(.mil domains) yesterday.


We'll have to see how this plays out.





-----Original Message-----
From: ************* 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 4:50 PM

Read below. Security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Flash. I
received notice from Camp Pendleton that NMCI has once again blocked
Flash mobile code from .mil networks. I confirmed with MCNOSC and asked
for the info below. If we haven't already received any calls from anyone
on .mil expressing issue viewing Flash activity on our site, we will
soon. Apparently Macromedia recommends going to Flash Player version 8.
We will meet tomorrow morning at 0930 in the CR to discuss the problem
and alternative solutions. The policy will need to be reinstated by MCEN
DAA to open the door again for Flash. 






-----Original Message-----
From: ******* 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 1:46 PM
To: *****
Subject: Flash security advisories


IAVA extract:


Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO)
Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert


TOPIC:  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Macromedia Flash 

REFERENCE:   Macromedia

                        Security Focus 

CVE NUMBER(s):  CAN-2005-2628
Macromedia Flash ActionDefineFunction Memory Access Vulnerability




Release Date

Acknowledgement Suspense

Compliance Suspense


10 November 05

12 November 05

25 November 05








15 Nov -05




21 Nov 05

Added systems to  Vulnerable Systems
Sys#Vul Sys> area
Added  link to Reference
Advisory#SUSE Advisory>  area



29 Nov 05

Added patch link to DoD Patch Repository


There are two vulnerabilities that have been identified affecting
Macromedia Flash plug-ins. Macromedia Flash is a widely distributed
application and is used to create simple motion graphics, video and
animation for interactive websites. A plug-in adds a specific feature or
service to a larger system, such as Macromedia Flash. 

The first vulnerability affects the Macromedia Flash Action Define
Function Memory Access plug-in. This plug-in is vulnerable to an input
validation error, which is when data that's entered exceeds the accepted
boundaries of the application. This violation causes the application to
crash, creating a Denial of Service (DoS). 

The second vulnerability affects the Macromedia Flash Array Index Memory
Access plug-in. This plug-in is also vulnerable to an input validation
error, except it is exploited by entering non-standard code into the
application causing it to crash, creating the DoS. This occurs when an
intruder would entice a user to download the malicious code.

These vulnerabilities could result in an intruder gaining full access,
executing non-standard code or causing a DoS.

Macromedia Flash 6 and 7 are affected by both these vulnerabilities.

The JTF-GNO has not received any reports of DoD incidents in regard to
these vulnerabilities. However, a public Proof of Concept is currently
circulating in the wild.  


Macromedia Flash ActionDefineFunction Memory Access Vulnerability and
Macromedia Flash Array Index Memory Access Vulnerability

The Flash plug-in is vulnerable to an input validation error that may be
exploited to execute arbitrary code or carry out a Denial of Service
(DoS) attack.  These vulnerabilities exists when data that's entered
exceeds the accepted boundaries of the application.  These
vulnerabilities are triggered by inadequate bounds validation for
indexes of certain arrays. Inadequate input values, that use fields from
the Shock Wave File (SWF) file, could allow an intruder to specify a
function causing arbitrary code to be executed.  

An intruder may exploit these vulnerabilities by creating a malicious
SWF file with specific data field values.  The intruder would then
entice a user to download the malicious file.  This will happen
automatically on many systems if users visit a website hosting the
malicious SWF file.

Macromedia Flash Array Index Memory Access Vulnerability is also
vulnerable to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.


Macromedia Flash 6.0.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.1
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.1 SP1
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.1 SP2
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.0 preview
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.0 SP1
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.0 SP2
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.6.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.7.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.51.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.61.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.72.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.73.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.74.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.75.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.76.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.77.0
    Netscape Communicator 4.78.0
    Netscape Communicator 6.1.0

Macromedia Flash 6.0.29 .0
Macromedia Flash 6.0.40 .0
Macromedia Flash 6.0.47 .0
Macromedia Flash 6.0.65 .0
Macromedia Flash 6.0.79 .0
Macromedia Flash 7.0.0 r19
Macromedia Flash 7.0.19 .0
Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows 98SE
Microsoft Windows ME
Microsoft Windows XP Home SP1
Microsoft Windows XP Home SP2
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition SP1 
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition SP2 
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP1 
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition 

2S.u.S.E. Linux Personal 9.0.0
S.u.S.E. Linux Personal 9.0.0 x86_64
S.u.S.E. Linux Personal 9.1.0
S.u.S.E. Linux Personal 9.1.0 x86_64
S.u.S.E. Linux Professional 9.0.0
S.u.S.E. Linux Professional 9.0.0 x86_64
S.u.S.E. Linux Professional 9.1.0
S.u.S.E. Linux Professional 9.1.0 x86_64


Apply the vendor upgrade.

3DoD Patch Repository

Macromedia Patch Repository

Macromedia Flash Player 8 




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