It doesn't work because of the infamous scope problem.
the "this" in the function refers to the erase_btn, and "var2" is not an attribute of the button.

You need to use the Delegate:

import mx.utils.Delegate;
erase_btn.onPress = Delegate.create(this, eraseTF);
function eraseTF(){
        var2.text = "";

Check to see the different ways to handle events and for other implementations of the Delegate.

CARABUS mobile+ a écrit :
I done this action :

There is a dynamic textfield (var2), a button (erase_btn)

I want to erase a text, with the onPress action, it doesn¹t

erase_btn.onPress = function() {
    this.var2.text = "";

And it doesnt work, have U got an idea ?

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