been fixed, I just forgot to initialize the EventDispatcher.
sorry for the stupid question. :(

2005/12/5, old9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi there,
> I've wasted the whole afternoon with the event and listener thing, I know
> it could be another basic question,
> but I just cant figure it out....
> please help..
> //in
> //here I defined 3 functions to receive the events sent by the ParaHolder
> instance
> //but there is something wrong:
> ...
>     public function onFirst(eventObj:Object){
>         trace("onFirst received from ";//-------------
> not traced
>      }
>     public function onLast(eventObj:Object){
>         trace("onLast received from ";
>     }
>     public function onMiddle(eventObj:Object){
>         trace("onMiddel received from ";
>      }
> ...
> //in
> //ParaView is used to hold them all and assign ParaControl as a listener
> to ParaHolder.
> ...
>     public function ParaView(timeline:MovieClip){
>         tl = timeline;
>         pd = new ParaData();
>         pd.loadData
> ("data/1U01pBT.xml","data/normal.css","data/active.css");
>         pd.addEventListener("onDataReady",this);
>         Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";
>         pc = new ParaControl(tl);
>         pc.addEventListener("click",this);
>     }
>     public function onDataReady(eventObj:Object){
>         ph = MCE.attachMovie(tl,"paraHolder","mainph",
> tl.getNextHighestDepth(),{},ParaHolder,[pd]);
>         ph._x=0;
>         ph._y=0;
>         ph.addEventListener("onFirst",pc);
>         ph.addEventListener("onLast",pc);
>         ph.addEventListener("onMiddle",pc);
>         //I've also tried to define the 3 funtions here(in,
> and changed "pc" to "this", but it does not work, either.
>        }
> ...
> //in
> //this is where I dispatch my event.
> ..
>     private function _checkStatus(){
>         if(_currentPage == 1){
>             dispatchEvent({type:"onFirst", target:this});
>             trace("onFirst fired");//-------------this can be traced, so I
> think the event is dispatched successfully
>         }else if(_currentPage == _pages.length){
>             dispatchEvent({type:"onLast", target:this});
>             trace("onLast fired");
>         }else{
>             dispatchEvent({type:"onMiddle", target:this});
>             trace("onMiddle fired");
>         }
>     }
> ..
> hope those make sense,
> any suggestion?
> Thanks

          t.E.l : +8605513602273
          m.o.B : +8613855184110
            q.Q : 7387905
        B.L.o.G :
      E.m.A.i.L : qi.jiahui⊕
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