FYI, I made another tween engine build on a "new concept".
I just have published some source code on my site :

For the none frenchist, here is an overview.
If you find it interesting, I'll put this in osflash site.

Here is the idea behind this implementation :
Flash mathematic calculation is slow.
And Tween rely on heavy calculation, even though Robert Penner optimized them as much as possible.

But once you've done the all equation, why should you begin again ?
So I made a cache system available that "intelligently" serve precalculated values.
That's all.

Moreover, instead of using an onEnterFrame, I use setInterval.
What th deal ?
setInterval is able to force rendering the screen 1 times faster than the framerate. So if your tween needs a "must render every step algorithm", it's available.

I've also rethink the API to make it more easy for (/me).
There is an exemple of use on the blog.

As usual, you are not slave with MovieClip properties, you could tween Color values, as soon as they get some accessor methods.


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