Have you investigated the string table? (Press CTRL+F11 in authoring)

We use the MX04 string table alongside a (heavily modified) version of the
built-in Locale code all the time. We also use our own handrolled XML string
tables (just files full of tagged-up string resources), depending on the

This lets you put some sort of symbol in your code - e.g.


and then you change either a value in the string table (if you're doing it
that way) or a value in an XML file somewhere.

e.g. (fragment of standard Macromedia string table XML)
<trans-unit id="001" resname="IDS_TITLE">
     <source>Main Menu</source>

Hope that's useful,

On 12/8/05, Pranav Negandhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me rephrase my question. I've used Macromedia (Adobe?) Director for
> several years before jumping ship to Flash. There, field members are
> placed
> in the cast, and changing value in one place automatically updates values
> in
> all sprite instances.
> E.g. member("message").text = "OK" [updates all sprites where the member
> "message" has been placed]
> I wanted to do something similar in Flash, and possibly put it into my
> code
> library for future reuse, which is why I'm exploring a more OO solution.
> Thanks for inputs people.
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