Have an issue involving AS2 and Flash Remoting. Have created a remoting class:

class com.remoting Info{
   private var service:Service;
   public var remotingdata:Object;
function Info(id:Number) { this.service = new Service("http://localhost/flashservices/gateway.php";, null, "info_gateway", null, null);
       var pc:PendingCall = this.service.get_info(id);
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "handleSuccess", "handleRemotingError");
   function handleSuccess(re:ResultEvent):Void {
   remotingdata= re.result;

That is initialized in the super class as :
var info_obj:vInfo = new Info(id);
info_obj.handleSuccess = onRemoteFinish;

I would assume that it would send this to the public function onRemoteFinish in the super class, but that does not work. Am assuming that because it's not a subclass that it does not operate in this nature. The problem is that you cannot just call a variable at run time because it takes a half a second for remoting to get send the information.

I have also tried extending the class Info onto the main Class and get the "256 recursive calls" error.

Have been noodling on this one for a while and would appreciate any assistance on this structure.

Robert Sandie

Flashcoders mailing list

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