  If you look back over the last couple of days of posts, lots of people
have been talking about this already (see under 'Workflow')...

  The general consensus seems to be to use Subversion (also called SVN). I
myself use it all the time; it solves many of the problems CVS used to have.
It's open source; it's a command-line thing, but you can pick up a GUI tool
called TortoiseSVN to use with it - it is also open source.

Open source is good.

  Commercialy, when I last looked (admittedly a few years back) Perforce was
damned good, but pricey. Microsoft's Visual Source Safe I used for a couple
of years, but it a) cost money and b) its database kept crashing and it took
our work with it.


On 12/13/05, iestyn lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Can anyone recommend some decent version control software? A lot of
> our projects use hundreds of swf files, and it can be a nightmare
> making sure people are working on the latest files.
> Any recommendations anyone?
> cheers
> iestyn
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