The V2 component ComboBox does not send a change event if you select the value
that is already select. I am using a combo box to set the font size in a
textField. In my case, the user may have selected several characters of
different font sizes. I can't select multiple sizes in the combo box, so I
just select the size of the first character. Now if the user wants to set all
the characters to the size of the first, they can't.
I've looked at the itemRollOver event, but that only gets sent if the user
releases the mouse between opening the comboBox and making the selection.
I also tried "unsetting" the list selection, but it won't let you do this.

I have seen this work in the Flash Text Editor, but can't figure out what they
are doing. Any suggestions?
Chris Bare
Flashcoders mailing list

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