umm..  it kind of sounds like you want Flash to automatically map the
characters to the keypress?  i.e. if someone with an English keyboard/system,
types into your input field the characters will show up as Chinese?

...  it might be possible to have them actually typing into an offscreen/hidden
input box, capture keypresses, do key mapping based on a table, and then insert
the corresponding Chinese character into the (visible) input box...  that might
work as long as they're using an English keyboard.. 

--- Devendran I <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   We can Display Unicode Characters in dynamic and Input text field. Is it
> possible to get unicodeInput in a input text?
>   Consider this. You are having One input text box. By selecting a language,
> your Key press should be displayed as choosen language(in input text).
>   If u select Chinese Langugae. When you type it should be chinese
>   If u select Hindi Language. when you type it should be Hindi .
>   All these should happen in single text field.(And have to controll with
> script)
>   Thanks & regards
>   Devendran.I

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