I'm fetching data via a PHP script, if I leave the test for "success" out, the data is there, and can be processed.
If I test for success, the processing code never executes.

What can I be doing wrong? Here's a code fragment, all the appropriate values for varSender have been assigned. (You will see that the test for success is commented out.)

varSender.first_name = first_txt.text;
varSender.last_name = last_txt.text;
varSender.password = pass_txt.text;
varSender.action = 'login';
varSender.sendAndLoad("http://"+ host + "user_logon.php", varReceiver, "GET");
varReceiver.onLoad = function(success:Boolean){
//if (success ) {
        if(!this.error && this.CkVal != ""){
                subs_so.data.ckVal = this.CkVal;
        if(!this.error && this.ValidLogin == "true") {
                _root.ValidLogin = this.ValidLogin;
                _root.lOKtoPrint = this.lOKtoPrint;
                ... and so on ...

If I move the "varSender" so that it follows varReceiver, as in all of the examples in the help, the varReceiver code does not seem to trigger, at least when I check it in the debugger.

Does anyone have any suggestions? By the way, a similar script in Flash MX works flawlessly.

Regards - Miles  (who's looking for "success" <g>)

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