Greetings everyone,

I will potentially be asked in the coming months to create a dynamic
flash-powered stock ticker, being fed data from a MySQL database. I already
have done some flash remoting before which is likely what I will do on this
project, but my question concerns more the animation aspect of the ticker.

I guess the first question is: does anyone know of a package (open source or
commercial) which offers a customizable, adminable stock ticker component?

In absence of that, any hints of tips anyone can offer would be of great
help. The way I have done some somewhat similar projects involved creating a
large movie clip from the loaded data, and then calculating the width of
that movie clip to use in its looping animation (using 2 instances to make
it seamless).  The problem I foresee with that is that this has the
potential of being very long, and thus might not animate smoothly.  Does
anyone have any general suggestions I should consider as I plan this

Thank you very much in advance,
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