I like processing, but can't give you a correct answer to this.what everybody can tell you is that fft will become available woith flex and actionscript3 , for the moment that function is still buggy, but you can play with it ( amplitude works) ; http://labs.macromedia.com/

citate from http://labs.macromedia.com/wiki/index.php/Talk:ActionScript_3 ->

   computeSpectrum and FFT

The computeSpectrum seems to work fine using readFloat to access the byteArray. To do that I use the following code:




Now if you actually want a spectrum graph instead of a raw wave you need the FFTMode set to true. But that just seems to return a random mess and nothing like a spectrum graph. Am I missing something or is the FFT not working as it should?


I've had the same results with FFT not working.

You can also use the following:

while(spectrum.bytesAvailable) {




ars wrote:
hi all,

looking for flash to java and vice versa communication examples (via
xmlsocket?). crossplatform. like a way to control a processing.org app
with flash and vice versa. i have in mind the mario klingemann did
something like that, but i can't find it on his site. anyone?
i like to use processings fft to use it within a flash app for example.
thanks: lars

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