i remember doing this a few years ago, using

— a loop (filling the textfield) and autoSize=true to determine if
there was a line break (you could determine this in other ways)
— and if _height > old_height in the loop, do
— letterCurrentY += LINE_HEIGHT

then use getTextExtent() to get _x.

i remember there was some margins and stuff inside the text field to
take into account, but it worked. the problem is it can be hard to
find out the constant LINE_HEIGHT.

good luck,


On 1/2/06, Michael Bedar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To answer the original question - there is no direct way to do this,
> although you can use the text-extent to get the x offset of the caret
> fairly easily in a single line textfield.
> On Jan 2, 2006, at 9:47 AM, Andreas Rønning wrote:
> > Is there a decent way of getting the _x / _y position of a caret in
> > a text box? Somehow compare the x/y of the textfield with the caret
> > index..?
> > Have a hard time getting an exact value from this.
> >
> > - Andreas
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