Hi Marylyn,

I checked all that.
These were the results of all the tests

1 The word document would open on some machines with IE and flash open and shut down on some others 2 We had successful openings and refusals happened on Win2K, XPHome and XPpro. Operating system versions did not seem to matter 3 If the link was clicked a few times a browser window came up with the statement Action Refused, but if you clicked the Go button on that browser (which now carried the link address) the document opened.

It seems to me that this is down to security settings in Windows but I do not know what exactly could set this off.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marilyn McLeod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flashcoders mailing list" <flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] weird Word behaviour?

Virus in the Word doc?

Are there alot of large images in the Word doc, or something else that
makes them processor intensive to open?  Is the machine that's shutting
down an older machine?

Perhaps the Word document was created in a newer version of Word and
the machine that's shutting down has an older version of Word?

The alert asking you to Open in Word (or save to disk) is normal.  If
you say 'yes', it usually opens Microsoft Word for you and displays the
Word doc.

Hope this helps.

Hi There,
I have a really weird problem. I have an app with a link to a Word
On one of my machines the link comes up with an alert asking me to
Open in
Word or save the document. On another machine the window opens and
immediately shuts down. If I click on the link more than 3 times a
window comes up saying the action is disallowed.
Does anyone know what is going on??


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