i am not able to catch this error in either the anon function or the
function delegate.
has anybody have any idea of how to handle asynchranous exception handeling
in flash?
I don't think you can do what you're planning, there; it appears that XML.load() starts a new execution thread, which ignores the try/catch block in which it was invoked.

Your best bet for error handling is to analyze the XML in your onLoad handler. If you detect an error condition, let the handler deal with it. This does mean that instead of generating an exception and catching it, you have to do some logic to check for errors, but it seems to be Flash's way.

Since Flash is designed for the internet, functions which instigate a new HTTP request are always going to run asynchronously -- since there's just no telling when the heck they'll complete. It's a compromise. Personally, I'd love to have the option of a synchronous XML.load() method, since often I'm just reading from files in the same directory as the SWF.
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