If anyone has the book JavaScript - The Definitive Guide please read the following pages on scope:

JavaScript - The Definitive Guide 1.5
4.3.0 Variable Scope
4.3.1 No Block Scope
4.6.1 The Global Object
4.6.2 Local Variables: The Call Object
4.6.3 JavaScript Execution Contexts
4.7 Variable Scope Revisited
11.4 Lexical Scoping and Nested Functions
19.1.5 Event Handlers and the this Keyword
19.1.6 Scope of Event Handlers

From what I've read, it appears that Action Script 2.0 follows the implementation. But the information at the link below keeps me from adopting this description.

Event handling is simplified in ActionScript 3.0 thanks to its built-in delegation. In ActionScript 2.0, method closures would not remember what object instance they were extracted from, leading to unexpected behavior when the method closure was invoked.

Can someone please put this into context?

Best Regards,
Judah Frangipane

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