elibol wrote:
I don't expect that our clients would like their sites
searchabe only by appending filetype:swf with every search.

No, you wouldn't need to... the use of the "filetype:" term in my search query just meant that you wouldn't see all the other web content in your results. It's not required to access SWFs.

The example proves that Google knows about and databases the text within a SWF. Gaining visibility within any search (ie, being in the first page of results) still requires the normal search-optimization techniques of good TITLE and metadata info, excellent inbound links from authoritative sources, use of search terms that you have a realistic hope of achieving good placement on (eg, "flowers" is hosed, but "san francisco corsages" might be attainable, etc).

Recap: Google knows the text in your SWFs.

(I didn't follow the parts you wrote about redirection... you may have another way to complicate search processes that way.)


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
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