Sounds like you're trying to do something like this, but even still your
approach seems overly complex.  Maybe a more detailed explaination of
what you're trying to do and what "combinations" are would help.
Meanwhile, if I understand you, would something like this work?

a = false
b = false
c = true
d = true
e = true
f = false
g = true
h = false
i = false

myArray = [2,3,6,12,34,54,345,45,76,34]
vars = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j"]
counter = 0;
counter_arr = [];

function checkVars(){
        for(i=0; i<myArray.length; i++){
                        trace(vars[i]+" in vars array is true.");
                        trace("counter is at: "+counter);


Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning Solutions   |

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flashcoders-
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of eric dolecki
>>Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:03 PM
>>To: Flashcoders mailing list
>>Subject: [Flashcoders] checking combinations
>>I have 4 variables I need to check the states of routinely... and
>>combinations thereof.
>>I am assuming that if I have a counter, and interogate and += them
values, I
>>can then check the value of the counter to determine the combinations.
>>var counter:Number = 0;
>>if ( a ){ counter += 2; }
>>if ( b ){ counter += 3; }
>>if ( c ){ counter += 6; }
>>if ( d ){ counter += 12;}
>>if ( counter == 2 ){
>>     // only a was true
>>} else if ( counter == 3 ){
>>     // only b was true
>>}  ...
>>Which is fine, but thats gonna be one honkin' if else statement to
catch all
>>the combinations.
>>Is there a better way of doing this that will catch all the possible
>>combinations in an elegant way?
>>- edolecki
>>Flashcoders mailing list
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