i found it quite useful to get out of the habit of putting code on my
movieclips/buttons and instead putting the code on the first frame.

please be gentle in correction (which means "please don't rain
great big fiery meatballs down on my head") if this is actually a
really bad thing to do.

In my opinion it is not only *not* bad, but it is a great idea. The way you organize your code has a massive impact on its readibility, which translates directly to how easy it is to debug and maintain. Considering that the end result is exactly the same (i.e. compiles to the same bytecode), I can't think of a single good reason to spread the code out on the timeline. If you add to that a habit of declaring, typing, and clearly naming your variables and methods, you'll be well on your way to using the most important parts of best programming practices. Best practices aren't "the perfect way to write code", they are simply good habits that make your life easier in the long run. If it makes things easier for you (and, by extension any other developer that may have to work on the project), then it is a good thing.

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